Children's Theatre Performance

Woodways GT
© Woodways Cast

Goethe-Institut Nairobi

Seeds, roots, trees, firewood, sticks and paper – these are the ways of wood. Woodways (35 min, 2-7 years) takes the young audience through an adventure in discovering the characteristics of wood.
It is friendly, melodious and very flexible irrespective of its shape. Out of a collaboration between The Magnet Theatre and the Goethe-Institut South Africa 4 African countries were invited to a workshop training in Theatre for the Early Years. Each country was represented by 2 participants.
The game plane ended with pairing up of two countries. Cameroon in a pair with Kenya and Zimbabwe with Nigeria. The Kenya – Cameroon collaboration features Alumbe Hellen and Kento Juma from Kenya and Fokumlah Burnley Yaya and Mempuh Kwachuh Sophia from Cameroon. The set was designed by Craig Leo and Lights and Sound designed by Themba Stewart.

This show is made with creative input from Jennie Reznek of Magnet Theatre, Barbara Kölling and her assistant Anna Sophia Zimniak from the Helois Theatre (Germany).


Goethe-Institut Nairobi

No. 3, Monrovia Street
Maendeleo House

Price: free
