Gufy and the Midnight Kids

Gufy and the MidnightKids
© Goethe-Institut

Goethe-Institut Nairobi

Poetry is all about style and rhyme. The elements. Emotions, time, humor. Creativity. But what happens when all these are merged into one and staged as a concept? Gufy, renowned for his vulnerability while on stage is out to channel his poetry through the introduction of visuals, bad puns and music to accentuate his message.

#GoingGufy dares to experiment with the idea of possibilities. That maybe, the things we keep hidden or give less attention to, deserve to be known too. Spell cast is an A Capella choir from Nairobi themed around mental health. 

Admission: 500/- (Limited Advance)

*Look out for more information on our website or Facebook page


Goethe-Institut Nairobi

No. 3, Monrovia Street
Maendeleo House

Price: Ksh 500
