Literary Crossroads - Conversations with African writers

Literary Crossroads
© Goethe-Institut

The Reception of African Literatures in the German - speaking world

Goethe-Institut Lagos

In the last five years almost 400 books of African fiction have been published in the German speaking countries of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Residency opportunities and an exchange of African writers with colleagues from overseas increased, the amount of festivals of African Cultures is on the rise.

This enables a new chance for dialogue and for revisiting and reinvestigating the burdened relationship between Africa and Europe through the lens of the arts.

We will talk about the important role that literature plays to enable a new and more informed perception of African contemporary societies in Europe today.

Indra Wussow is the editor of “AfrikAWunderhorn”, a series of contemporary African fiction in German, literary translator, journalist and director of the Sylt Foundation. She lives in Johannesburg/South Africa.


Goethe-Institut Lagos

7, Anifowoshe Street, office building, Victoria Island
Lagos Island

Language: English
Price: Free Entry!!

+234 (0) 1 454 9515