Kino | Ciné-Mardi

Cracks in the shell

Goethe-Institut Kigali

Director: Christian Schwochow, colour, 113 min., 2011

The actress Fine Lorenz (Stine Fischer Christensen) suffers from not being seen, although she makes every effort to be noticed. At home she looks after her mentally handicapped sister Jule (Christina Drechsler). At night Jule does not sleep, but hits her head against the wall. At some point Fine picks up the CD player and turns the music up loud. She comes out of her shell, dances, sings and acts. But in acting school she has lost her self-confidence. But a director sees something in Fine and invites her to an audition. She convinces him with her acting. He thinks she is the perfect cast for his leading role, because Fine is a broken person just like Camille. Overjoyed about the role Fine slips into another identity and almost loses himself. Her femininity gains more expressiveness, but her strength, which she needs to get along with her sister, diminishes. Fine, however, wants to keep the role at all costs and puts himself entirely in the hands of the filmmaker. A dangerous game breaks out, in which Fine becomes her own enemy...


Goethe-Institut Kigali

13, Avenue Paul VI/KN 27 Street Kiyovu
P.B. 6889 Kigali

Language: German with English subtitles
Price: For free