Open call


Theme: War

How do artists deal with war? What views do they have on the current conflicts, on the phenomenon itself? Approaches to solutions?

Every two years since 2019, the Ebersberger Kunstverein has organised the Arcadia Festival, which has attracted a great deal of attention beyond the region and deals artistically with current socially relevant issues.

For the fourth edition of the festival (2 - 31 May 2025), the phenomenon of WAR has been chosen as the theme. International artists are invited to submit a design on the theme for a large-scale poster (18/1) (356 x 252 cm).

The entries selected by a jury will be printed on large-scale posters by the Ebersberger Kunstverein and exhibited during the festival in the rooms of the Kunstverein and in public spaces.

Turning point and war as an artistic theme
The artistic contributions may show individual points of view, reflect the far-reaching political and social changes in the modern world across national and geographical borders, and ideally open up new perspectives.

Posters as a medium
Posters have always been an important means of publicising socially critical and political messages. Especially in times when direct exchange is sometimes limited, posters also offer the opportunity to make voices from conflict-affected regions visible.

All artistic means of designing a poster are permitted.

A draft must be submitted, which, if selected, must be delivered as a printable PDF file by 15 March 2025.
The application file (maximum 20 MB as PDF) must contain the following information:
- Draft for a poster on the topic
- Short CV with current contact details
- Portfolio with a presentation of your own artistic work of the last 10 years
Closing date
Applications must be sent online by 2 March 2025, 23:59 to:

Applications are open to professional, freelance visual artists or artist groups of all ages.

Jury decision
The jury will announce its decision by 8 March 2025.

If accepted, each participating artist will receive a fee.
NOTE: The realisation of the festival is subject to the final confirmation of the requested funding and the associated reliable provision of the necessary financial resources.

Print data on approval
Data format: 3620 x 2580 mm
Final format: 3560 x 2520 mm
Safety margin: 3 mm (on all sides)
Colour mode: CMYK
Colour profile: ICC profile
Resolution: 150dpi
File format: pdf X-1a:2001

Festival period: 2 - 31 May 2025

A catalogue will be published for the Arcadia-Festival#4, in which the participating artists and their works will be presented.

Legal information
The works may be used for the organiser‘s press and public relations work.


If you have any questions, please contact
or by telephone on: +49 151 581 65 581
available Tuesday and Friday 2-5 pm