Performance screening with public talk

It's Me, Frank

 In this staged photo, Julia Häusermann is playing the role of the lead character, Frank. The woman has orange ponytail hair and is wearing a black dress with bright red trousers and white sneakers. The image is in dim blue and black, with the shadow of the heroine and a rockery in the background.
© Gina Bolle

Tue, 20.09.2022 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Department of Culture and Education, German Consulate General

101 Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou Road
Huangpu District


Language: Swiss German with German and English subtitles, and Chinese subtitles
Price: Free of charge, pre-registration needed
Extra Wheelchair Seats
Relaxed Performance

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It’s me, Frank is a playful invitation to immerse yourself in Frank’s world. That is the name actor Julia Häusermann calls herself at work, after Frank Levinsky from the TV series “Verbotene Liebe” (Forbidden Love). This is the starting point for a dynamic search. In it, play meets assertion, passions encounter the arts of transformation, and anger and love, sadness and joy lie on top of and next to each other.

Julia Häusermann is far more than Frank and far more than Julia. She is a medium, a performer who transforms into ghosts, pop icons, telenovela characters, machines and entertainers. She moves with every sense, mourns, grows angry and laughs from the heart. Playful, unselfconscious, appropriating and affirmative. In this sense, the evening also invites you to take a fresh look at the nature and interwoven relationships of norm and deviation, mind and nature, femininity and masculinity.
A co-operation with the Theater HORA – Stiftung Züriwerk