Loxandra Lucas breaks the stereotypes

Thu, 22.09.2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Department of Culture and Education, German Consulate General
101 Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou RoadHuangpu District
Language: Greek with Chinese and English subtitlesPrice: Free of charge, pre-registration needed


Loxandra Lucas is the first person with Down Syndrome to work as an actress at the National Theatre of Greece. Loxandra played the role of the Child in Fuenteovejuna by Spanish playwright Lope de Vega, in a performance directed by Eleni Efthymiou. The production was part of the National Theatre’s 2021-2022 season and was staged at the Central Stage of the famous Ziller Building.
This mini-documentary directed by Patroklos Skafidas traces all the crucial moments and decisions that made Loxandra’s dream come true: how director Eleni Efthymiou chose her for the role, how Loxandra and her family first responded, the challenges and the multiple gains from such an exciting encounter both for Loxandra and the National Theatre of Greece.
Actors and actresses of the company who worked together with her talk about the rehearsal process, what impressed them, what made them rethink how they themselves approach the art of acting after having shared the stage with Loxandra. Through their accounts it is more than obvious that this has been a mutually beneficial collaboration.
Moreover, Loxandra’s mother, an actress herself, reflects on the impact this collaboration has had in their relationship and her daughter’s life -a kind of a rite of passage- in a moving, caring and daringly honest way.
And, of course, Loxandra is at the core of the narration, talking on camera, dancing, singing, rehearsing, and performing.