On September 2, a multifaceted event with panel discussions, art installations and performances will take place at the Goethe-Institut Budapest, organized by Lahmacun Radio Budapest. A particular focus will be on the challenges faced by artists and cultural professionals in Central and Western Europe. The event will offer participants the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how artistic freedom and access to information influence societal perspectives.
02.09.2024 – 5:00 pm
Location: Goethe-Institut, Ráday utca 58., 1092 Budapest, Hungary
Have you ever disagreed with someone but had the feeling that they were somehow right? Have you ever met someone who seemed unsympathetic at first, but it turned out that you actually had the same opinion? Then you should definitely come to the Goethe-Institut on 12 September 2024 to burst filter bubbles. Information about the event can be found in the event calendar of the Goethe-Institut Hungary.
12.09.2024 – 6:00 pm
Location: Goethe-Institut, Ráday utca 58., 1092 Budapest, Hungary
Who is a responsible tourist and where are they travelling to? What can I expect when travelling abroad? How do I travel ecologically? Are there any positive effects of the migration crisis? We will try to answer these and many other questions as part of a multi-perspective discussion on mobility in Europe. The Goethe-Institut Warsaw and the online weekly newspaper Kultura Liberalna invite you to a panel discussion from the “PERSPECTIVES Talks” series.
12.06.2024 – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Bibliothek Goethe-Institut Warschau, ul. Chmielna 13A, Entrance ul. Chmielna 11, 00-021 Warszawa, Poland
What are the primary challenges and needs regarding gender and women’s rights in Central Europe? By bringing together grassroots movements building intersectional communities from Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia, we aim to collectively address a lot of questions, fostering cultural connections and advocating for cross-border solidarity. Opening speech by Markus Huber, Director of Goethe Institut Bratislava – Keynote by Zsofi Borsi, Founder of the Lazy Women movement – Panel discussion with DUMA, Pluskolektiv+, Collective LIGHT*, and Lazy Women.
06.06.2024 – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Panenská 33, Bratislava – Staré Mesto,811 03, Slovakia
Slovak media have been under the scrutiny of the public and the government for a long time, and they are often the subject of slander. We will talk with our colleagues from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic about the challenges they face in their journalistic profession and how to defend themselves against attacks from the authorities. The discussion of Łukasz Grzesiczak (PL), Attila Horváth (HU) and Marina V. Šternová (CZ) is moderated by Tomáš Hučko (Kapitál)..
Protection of minors? Prospects for future generations? Climate change? Social rights? Real influence on politics? More and more digital content creators are speaking out on social and political issues, appealing to people who are not reached by traditional media. Not only is their political activism resonating with their followers, but they are also able to make an impact beyond their own community.
30.05.2024 – 5:00 pm
Location: Goethe-Institut, Ráday utca 58., 1092 Budapest, Hungary
Four exciting stories, four outstanding reporters and a look behind the scenes of their journalistic craft - relaxed, funny, live and in colour! The Goethe-Institut in Warsaw and the online weekly newspaper Kultura Liberalna invite you to the first Reporter Slam in Poland. Participating reporters will give a glimpse behind the scenes of their work and present their own “story behind the story”.
28.05.2024 – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Bibliothek Goethe-Institut Warschau, ul. Chmielna 13A, Entrance ul. Chmielna 11, 00-021 Warszawa, Poland
How to sensitively document and reflect on war conflicts and crisis situations? What else to document and what is already over the line? And how not to go crazy? We will talk about all this on Friday 24th May at the World of Books festival. The discussion will be moderated by Tereza Semotamová.
24.05.2024 – 5:00 pm
Location: Výstaviště Praha Holešovice, Výstaviště 67, Praha 7, Czech Republic
The aim of the programme is to stimulate a dialogue on public issues using theatre as a framework, without judgements or political statements. Debate theatre is aimed at everyone, but especially at secondary school pupils, in order to develop a culture of debate and provide an opportunity for encounters in a collaborative and theatrical sense.
23.05.2024 – 5:00 pm to 7 pm
Location: Csorba Győző Bibliothek, Universitas u. 2/A, 7622 Pécs, Hungary
The discussion deals with the question of how Hungary is perceived by the German and Austrian public since the last European elections and how Germany and Austria are perceived by the Hungarian public. How has the image of each other changed in the three countries? What has led to this change? Information about the event can be found in the event calendar of the Goethe-Institut Hungary.
14.05.2024 – 6:00 pm
Location: Goethe-Institut, Ráday utca 58., 1092 Budapest, Hungary
Empowering the world through games, one country at a time. 6 professionals from 6 countries and 3 continents connecting thanks to their common passion: gaming.
From discussing the state of the video games industry in their country to the challenges they are facing to use this medium as a social and learning tool, join this A Maze.Festival discussion organized by the Goethe-Institut.
10.05.2024 – 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Silent Green Kulturquartier, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin, Germany
Have you ever disagreed with someone but had the feeling that they were somehow right? Have you ever met someone who seemed unsympathetic at first, but it turned out that you actually had the same opinion? Then you should definitely come to the Goethe-Institut on 8 May 2024 to burst filter bubbles. Information about the event can be found in the event calendar of the Goethe-Institut Hungary.
08.05.2024 – 5:30 pm
Location: Goethe-Institut, Ráday utca 58., 1092 Budapest, Hungary
If you want to know how award-winning photo series are created and what the life of a photojournalist is like, you shouldn't miss this evening anchored by Gergely Litkai (Dumaszínház).
19.04.2024 – 7:00 pm
Location: MIXÁT DUMAKLUB, Krúdy u. 7., 1088 Budapest, Hungary
Literature in times of crisis. A West-East dialogue with Martin Pollack (AT), renowned reporter from Absynt and Tanja Maljartschuk (UKR/AT), winner of the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize. Moderation: Michal Hvorecký. The event is organised as part of the EU project PERSPECTIVES. Event language: German (with simultaneous translation into Slovakian language). Admission is free.
16.04.2024 – 6:00 pm
Location: Pistori Palais, Štefánikova 25, Bratislava, Slovakia
In the first episode “Republikflucht” of the six-part podcast series “Vier Tage Angst”, which will be presented to the audience during the Public Listening Session, Bärbel is looking for a way out of the most difficult situation of her life and has to make a number of important decisions.
13.04.2024 – 7:00 pm
Location: Kinozentrum Skalvija, Goštauto 2/15, Vilnius, Lithuania
Take a look behind the scenes of journalistic work at the first Reporter Slam in the Czech Republic! This is a “live journalism” format, where speakers present their reports and articles to the audience from the stage. The evening will be moderated by Anatol Svahilec, musical component will be provided by Samčo. The Reporter Slam at the Hybernská Campus is organized by the Goethe-Institut Czech Republic.
FACTS GAME JAM focuses on games and gamified media (VR/ AR/ XR) and how new technologies such as AI, VR, chat GPT & Co. are influencing the way information is produced, disseminated and presented today. In the digital age, journalists face various challenges related to privacy, sourcing, conflicts of interest, objectivity and the ambivalence of facts and fakes.
05.–07.04.2024 – part of the official A MAZE programme
Take a look behind the scenes of how war reporting is made with five award-winning Slovak reporters Andrej Bán, Sára Činčurová, Jana Čavojská, Mirek Tóda and Vladimír Šimíček. Moderated by Zuzana Kepplová.
It is said that capitalism is more likely to appropriate and adapt any criticism to its own image. Rather than fight it, it commodifies it. But does this also apply to the degrowth, which denies the very DNA of global capitalism? Doesn't the radicalism of this vision lie precisely in the fact that it promises us something that no political or economic marketing can afford to promote? That he promises us "less"? While in this less, there is also hidden less work, less pollution, less disease, less senseless waste of resources, food and energy. However, degrowth is not just a utopian idea, it is already a real, internationally functioning movement. But can this movement overcome its shadow of radical criticism and mobilize the wider public around a positive vision of the future?
The novels of Édouard Louis are already an almost iconic example of how the object of violence can turn into the subject of the narrative. What does the theater do with these novels? In what ways can queer art of Louis’s type be an inspiration for the situation of Central European minorities and what are its limits? Editor of the magazine Revue Prostor, writer and performer Ondřej Macl will discuss with theater director Barbora Chovancová and literary critic Jan Bělíček after the staging of the Ludus Theater's History of Certain Violence.
18.12.2023 – 9:00 pm
Location: A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry, Bratislava, Slovakia
Emotional support is essential in the integration and education of pupils with migration experience. The vicissitudes and challenges of educating Ukrainian children in Slovakia will be discussed by journalist and documentarian Zuzana Límová and the director of the elementary school at Východná Street 9 in Trenčín, Tatiana Hríbová. The discussion will be moderated by Andrea Kutlíková.
It is estimated that more than a million people currently work in home care in Central Europe alone, both EU citizens and people from the so-called third countries. Caregiving does not mean working eight hours a day and then taking time off. It means being with the client 24 hours a day. The nanny must be available at all times. Moderator Frédérique Halászová will discuss the precarious work of Czech nannies in Germany and Austria with journalist Apolena Rychlíková.
The reporter got employed in various industries, which are often based on cheap labor. She will talk about the wage inequality between the East and the West of Europe, which directly threatens European integration and is unsustainable in the long term. It seeks answers to questions regarding human rights violations in the labor market.
Find out more about the new joint project of Radio EPER and the Goethe-Institut! A press launch of PERSPECTIVES, a European Union-funded cooperation project in Central and Eastern Europe, in which the small community-based Radio EPER (FM97.0), together with its partners from the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia, will produce creative, public, infotainment and community content for young people in the region from a range of European perspectives, based on our shared European values. The aim of the event is to share ideas and ideas, to exchange different views to incorporate different ideas into the project.
16.11.2023 – 4:30 pm
Location: Goethe-Institut Budapest, Ráday street 58.
Organised by Goethe-Institut Budapest & Radio EPER
What do young journalists face? Jolana Humpálová (Voxpot), Gaby Khazalová (DR), Filip Titlbach (Deník N) and Ondřej Trhoň (Prostor magazine) will discuss on the occasion of the 40th year of the Prostor magazine.
Art education is considered a specific and fragile learning environment that has earned more attention in Slovakia and the Czech Republic in recent years, mainly due to incidents of bullying or harassment. However, discussions about mental health, activism, the mechanisms of art education or the (un)usefulness of art schools are also alive in its soil.
We will talk to teachers and students from different art disciplines about what motivates them to study and work in art schools, and how the education system is changing and should change.
The event will be dedicated to the young generation of female artists who have Vietnamese roots and balance on the border of two cultures. They will also bring different perspectives on Slovak and Czech culture, they will talk about their careers and the prejudices they encounter. The discussion with photographer Kvet Nguyen, artist Quynh Tran Trang, rapper Anki and Claudia Alner, co-author of the Banana Children podcast, will be accompanied by Andrea Kutlíková.
26.09.2023 – 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Location: Romerov dom, Zámočnícka 405, Bratislava, Slovakia
To let as many diverse voices as possible be heard, with different links to the languages of Central Europe, which will somehow reflect - even indirectly - the question Who or what is Central Europe? What is it like to live on the border of languages? What is it like to work with the physical space of words? What happens to our identity when we translate? What does it mean to move across Europe?
Does contemporary theater deal sufficiently with the topic of queer people's lives? And do we see it only in the work of small independent groups or even in the repertoire of institutionalized theaters? Is it diverse and sensitive enough?
The director of Nomantinels theater Andrej Kuruc and the socially engaged artist Ema Benčíková will discuss the current innovative trends in dramatic production and development in the field of queer performativity in Slovakia and in the global context. The discussion will be moderated by Marek Hudec.
31.08.2023 – 4:00 pm
Location: Divadlo Jána Palárika v Trnave, Trojičné námestie 2, Trnava, Slovakia