
施泰因 © Thomas Koy
  • 来自世界各地的年轻人
  • 包括天的旅行
  • 文化和休闲项目
  • 3 周共 72 课时



石堡可能是歌德学院提供夏季语言营当中最为巍峨壮观的地方。此城堡由三个部分组成,其中城堡的下半部位于 50 米高的峭壁山脚处,其后为建在岩洞中的洞穴城堡,而城堡的上半部则是建在峭壁顶部,时间可追溯到中世纪。

再加上巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山麓,还有地平线上的山脉以及壮丽的森林、草地和湖泊的景观,呈现出一幅梦幻般的美景。由于城堡下半部被用作学校和寄宿学校,我们语言营的学员得以在这风光明媚的环境中接受为期三周的德语培训班,感受更多的学习乐趣。12 岁至 16 岁的青少年可以每天在培训班中与来自世界各地的同龄学员一起上两至三节课。在每周总共 24 个课时中,我们将学习词汇和语法,练习口语和听力,当然也会训练阅读和写作。


  • 水平
    A1, A2, B1, B2

  • 课程长度
    3 周,15 个授课日

  • 每周课时数
    周一至周五 09:00-12:30,2-3 次 14:00-15:30

  • 总课时数
    72 课时(各 45 分钟)

  • 学员
    每班最多人数:16 名
    年龄段:12–16 岁

  • 上课地点

  • 价格
    3.450 €



  • 包括接送


  • 包括保险


Accommodation at the language camp

  • Stein an der Traun Photo: Goethe-Institut

    Stein Castle

    The romantic castle that houses the boarding school is situated at the center of Stein. The castle was already built in the Middle Ages. Not only is it a good place to learn, there is also a lot to discover.

  • Stein an der Traun © Thomas Koy

    Outdoor fun

    The campus offers many sports facilities - indoors and outdoors. Sports enthusiasts can fo example enjoy table tennis, football, volleyball or badminton.

  • Stein an der Traun Photo: Goethe-Institut

    Unique accommodation

    The castle boarding school exudes historical charm. At the same time, it is excellently equipped. Our course participants will be accommodated in two- or three-bed rooms.

  • Stein an der Traun © Thomas Koy

    Great activities

    Doing sports together and letting your creativity run free? Of course! Sports facilities, a music room and a crafts workshop, as well as a golf course and lakes nearby await us.

  • Stein an der Traun Photo: Goethe-Institut

    Historic site

    The castle is also shrouded in legend. It is said that the robber baron Heinz von Stein once wreaked havoc here. But don't worry, the legend is already several hundred years old.

  • Stein an der Traun © Thomas Koy

    Learning and getting to know each other

    The summer camp offers a unique opportunity to get in touch with young people from all over the world. We learn German together, do sports, are creative and have lots of fun!

  • Stein an der Traun Photo: Goethe-Institut

    Tasty meals

    Throughout the day, you can feel like a lord or lady of the castle here. The beautiful dining room invites us to enjoy delicious and balanced meals.

  • Stein an der Traun Photo: Goethe-Institut

    Fun in any weather

    Even in bad weather, all kinds of fun and sports are provided. The castle has an indoor fitness area, a yoga room and a sports hall with LED lighting and the world's first glass swing floor.

  • Stein an der Traun Photo: Goethe-Institut

    Reading and relaxing

    The cosy common rooms invite you to relax. There is also a well-stocked library for all bookworms who want to try out their German right away by reading exciting stories.


斯坦恩特劳恩 (Stein an der Traun) 邻近上巴伐利亚州的许多著名景点,更不用说,该镇本身就是其中之一。为了使我们的语言营学生能够运用他们才刚学会的德语知识,我们举办许多一日游和远足活动。因此,我们会参观贝希特斯加登 (Berchtesgaden) 附近的国王湖 (Königssee),这是整个德国最具田园风情的地方之一。



  • 特劳恩河畔的石头 摄影: Colourbox.de


    中世纪的一个贵族用石头建造了德国最大的洞穴城堡。据说在这里,强盗骑士海因茨 (Heinz) 实施他的强盗行径。

  • 基姆湖 摄影: Colourbox.de/Wolfgang Zwanzger



  • 慕尼黑城市之旅



Blog: Jugendkurse in Deutschland 摄影: Unsplash/Toa Heftiba

goethe.de/jugendkursblog 青少年培训班博客


青少年培训班日程 摄影: Goethe-Institut

案例 青少年培训班日程

