"Post-Millennial Architecture in Ethiopia"

Post-Millenial Architecture in Ethiopia
© Juergen Strohmayer

Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Ethiopia, and especially Addis Ababa, are witnessing an unprecedented infrastructure and building boom. The exhibition “Post millennial Architecture in Ethiopia” shows architectural highlights, which were built after the year 2000. A contemporary architecture that is pluralistic and combines global and local influences.

The exhibition is curated  by Dawit Benti and Juergen Strohmayer from EiABC (Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development), Addis Ababa University in association with Dr. David Rifkind from Florida International University.

Exhibition opening. Thursday 23rd of June, 2016, at 6:30 PM, at the Goethe Institute
Exhibition will be open from the 24/06/16- 22/07/16


Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Sedist Kilo
Compound of College of Business and Economics
P.O.B. 11 93 Addis Abeba