Panel Discussion

Fashion Revolution
© Fashion Revolution

Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

April 24th 2013 the Rana Plaza building in the Savar Upazila of Dhaka District, Bangladesh, collapsed - 1.134 people died and many people got injured. Producing fashion.

We invite you to come and contribute your thoughts and ideas within our panel discussion around the topic "MADE IN ETHIOPIA". Within the topic we will discuss gender equality and environmental protection - sustainability within the fashion industry.

Our panelists are coming from different backgrounds within the textile/fashion industry, which will give us broad persepectives and the opportunity to hear and discuss matters from different point of views and angles.

The panel discussion will be held in Amharic & English.

We are Fashion Revolution. We are designers, producers, makers, workers and consumers. We are academics, writers, business leaders, brands, retailers, trade unions and policymakers. We are the industry and the public. We are world citizens. We are a movement and a community. We are you.
We love fashion. But we don’t want our clothes to exploit people or destroy our planet. We demand radical, revolutionary change.

This is our dream…

Ethiopia has a rich history of traditional handwoven textiles which are unique and beautifully delicate. The country is one of the fastest growing countries on the African continent and the textile and fashion industry is expanding and spreading all over the country.

Ethiopia is developing on all levels and so the consumption – of fashion is a big part of it. There are many levels and questions to ask, topics to discuss, awareness to be called for.

The beauty of the textile industry in Ethiopia is, that within the country we find cotton farmers, spinners, weavers – the “shamane’s” and we find designers who work with the traditional woven textiles – the whole chain.

First steps have been made to introduce a group of cotton farmers to growing organic cotton.
Also a lot of textile and garment factories who produce on a large scale and export, have settled in Ethiopia.

We believe that learning from past, is the only way to grow – sustainable on all levels and into a future and a world that will be worth leaving for the future generations.

Get involved - contact:


Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Sedist Kilo
Compound of College of Business and Economics
P.O.B. 11 93 Addis Abeba