Press Release
"Enter Africa co-production platform Wettbewerbs Results"

Enter Africa
© Goethe-Institut

Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Enter Africa, Goethe Institut and SpielFabrique are pleased to announce that 3 studios out of the 6 finalists have been declared winners of the Enter Africa competition for the quality of their African video game concepts:
- Bonobo Studio and the game The Guardian Dynasty – Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo 

- Work'D and the game Gbakaman Racing – Abidjan, Ivory Coast 

- Kayfo Games Studio and the game Afrojuggle – Dakar Senegal 
These 3 studios will therefore benefit from an online support and a trip to Europe on the year 2020 to find co-producers in order to develop their games. We are therefore now looking for co-producers, please feel free to contact us if you're interested.
Those 3 studios came out a long list of 24 studios from Enter Africa 15 countries. A first panel of selection, composed by gaming and cultural industries experts from Africa and Europe, established a short list of the 6 best studios.

The Final Jury, composed by Isabelle Drouin (Orange - France), Robert Mugisha (DopeApps - Rwanda), Hervé Delabrousse (Gameloft - Africa), Nathan Masyuko (LudiqueWorks - Kenya), Yves le Yaouanq (Ubisoft - France), Andreas Suika (Epic Games, Germany) took place on the 16th of January 2020.

Kayfo games: 

Bonobo studio: 



Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Sedist Kilo
Compound of College of Business and Economics
P.O.B. 11 93 Addis Abeba