
Christian Filips

Photo: Goethe-Institut / Yawan Rai
Photo: Goethe-Institut / Yawanrai
Christian Filips born in 1981 in Osthofen near Worms. Presently, he lives in Berlin and is a poet, playwright and performer. Between 2000 and 2007 he studied in Vienna and Berlin. In 2001 he received Austrian Radio´s Rimbaud Prize for his first poems. From 2001 to 2003 he was a dramaturge at the Dance Theatre of the Staatstheater Darmstadt. Since 2006 he has worked as a program and archive manager of the Sing-Akademie in Berlin. Since 2010 he has been publishing the"roughbooks” along with Urs Engeler. In 2012 he received the Heimrad-Bäcker Award for experimental poetry. He currently works for the theater as a stage director, (among others for the Berliner Volksbühne), and is a performer and singer (of songs written for him by the poet Monika Rinck). Additionally Filips translates, primarily from English, Dutch and Italian.


Da auf der lauernden, der weißen Strecke /
ऊ त्यहाँ ढुकिरहेको छ फराकिलो सेतो फलकमा छर्लङ्गैसित / ऊ त्यहाँ पर्खिरहेछ, जहाँ छर्लङ्ग देखिन्छ

Der Platz hat /
Chu hmunah chuan

ein weißer Schnürsenkel- /
Pheikhawk hrui var / Pheikhawk-Hrui Var

Ich sitze da, wo du mich sitzen lässt /
Pheikhawk hrui var / Pheikhawk-Hrui Var / एउटा सेतो डोरी / एउटा सेतो डोरीको घेरा –

.. Schlaf /
...Mutmu / ... निद्रामा / === निद्रा

Wie Wasser kocht /
tui so iangin / Tui so angin / पानी उम्लिएजस्तो / पानी उम्लिए जस्तो,