German Language
Photo: Goethe-Institut/Sonja Tobias

Our offer

The Goethe-Institut brings the German language into the world: we offer German courses and exams in more than 90 countries. You can practise German free of charge with our diverse selection of online exercises and in the Community. Find out about opportunities for professional development and materials for German teachers (DaF/DaZ).

German Courses

Opportunities to learn German through the Goethe-Institut are diverse. We offer courses in Malaysia, in Germany and within the structure of online courses for levels A1 to C2.

German Exams

The German exams offered by the Goethe-Institut are internationally recognised and cater for all levels: from A1 for beginners to C2 for the highest language level.

Teaching German

The Goethe-Institut is the world's leading provider of professional development for German teachers. We offer you a comprehensive programme – in your home country, in Germany or via distance learning.

Practice German for free

You can benefit from our diverse online opportunities covering language levels A1–C2.

Our commitment to German

The Goethe-Institut is committed to the German language all over the world.


PASCH-net bietet Videos, Texte und Audios zu aktuellen Themen. Die kostenlosen Lernmaterialien für jugendliche Deutschlernende lassen sich ganz einfach nach Sprachniveau und Thema filtern. Lehrkräfte finden Ideen für den Einsatz im Unterricht und Arbeitsblätter zum Herunterladen. Darüber hinaus stellt regelmäßig über Instagram und Facebook kleine Aufgaben.

Magazine German Language

Current articles for learning and teaching German as a foreign language