Lesung Literary Crossroads

Sa, 15.07.2017

12:00 Uhr

Goethe-Institut Lagos

Conversations with African writers

The 6th edition of Literary Crossroads, Nigeria, presents Okey Ndibe and JJ Bola; crossing literary borders of Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Described as an astute and gripping novelist by The New Yorker Times, the U.S based Nigerian writer, Okey Ndibe will be on a moderated panel discussing and reading from his critically acclaimed oeuvre of two novels and a memoir: (Arrows of Rain, Foreign Gods, Inc. and Never Look an American in the Eye) alongside JJ Bola, a poet based in the United Kingdom and whose debut novel No Place Call Home published by Own It is still hot off the press.

This session will be moderated by Molara Wood.

Literary Crossroads ist eine neue Veranstaltungsserie, in der Autoren/innen aus Nigeria mit Kollegen/innen aus anderen Ländern der Region und der Diaspora aufeinandertreffen, um aus ihren Büchern zu lesen und über Ihre Arbeit zu sprechen.
