Film Screening & Q&A Session & Discussion
KINO I Ciné-Mardi & Q&A Session & Discussion

When Paul came over the sea
© Jakob Preuss

When Paul came over the sea - Journal of an Encounter

Kigali Goethe-Institut

Director: Jakob Preuss, colour, 97 min, 2017

Paul has made his way from his home in Cameroon across the Sahara to the Moroccan coast where he now lives in a forest waiting for the right moment to cross the Mediterranean. This is where he meets Jakob, a filmmaker from Berlin, who is filming along Europe's borders. Soon afterwards, Paul manages to cross over to Spain on a rubber boat. He survives - but half of his companions die on this tragic 50 hour odyssey. Held for two months in a deportation centre, upon his release Paul meets Jakob again at a shelter for migrants in Southern Spain. When Paul decides to continue on to Germany, Jakob has to make a choice: will he become an active part of Paul's pursuit of a better life or remain a detached documentary filmmaker?

The movie is followed by a Q&A session with the filmmaker Jakob Preuss and a follow-up discussion on the challenges and chances of migration with Alice Karara  from IOM Rwanda.

The evening will be moderated by Emmanuel Munyarukumbuzi.​



Kigali Goethe-Institut

13, Avenue Paul VI/KN 27 Street Kiyovu
P.B. 6889 Kigali

Price: Free Admission