Film Screening
KINO I Ciné-Mardi

"Victoria": Sebastian Schipper
© Monkeyboy


Goethe-Institut Kigali

Director: Sebastian Schipper, HD, colour, 140 min., 2014/15

One more hour, then this night in Berlin is coming to an end again. In front of a club Victoria, a young woman from Madrid, meets four Berlin boys - Sonne, Boxer, Blinker and Fuß. Between her and Sonne there's immediate radio, but they don't have time for each other. Sonne and his buddies still have something planned. To pay off a debt, they have got themselves involved in a crooked thing. When one of them unexpectedly fails, Victoria is supposed to step in as a driver. What begins as a big adventure for her soon turns into a nightmare. While the day slowly begins, Victoria and Sonne are concerned about everything or nothing...



Goethe-Institut Kigali

13, Avenue Paul VI/KN 27 Street Kiyovu
P.B. 6889 Kigali

Price: For free