Film Screening Quarks - Forever Young: How Scientists Want to Stop Aging

Science Film Festival banner Goethe Institut

Thu, 12.11.2020

5:30 PM

Goethe-Institut Kigali

A film by Monika Grebe (Germany)

People have been dreaming about eternal youth and health for many centuries. The chances are better today than ever before. Average life expectancy in industrialized countries has doubled over the past 150 years and is expected to continue to rise. Ranga Yogeshwar reports on the latest findings in age research. Why do we age? And how do researchers want to stop or even reverse old age in the future? The biomathematician Steve Horvath has deciphered a kind of clock in the cells of our body that measures our lifetime. But how exactly can it be used to determine a person's biological age? And what are the best strategies for a long, healthy life?

Quarks - Forever Young
