

Picture Unfamiliar © Heschek Beschek
20. May
9:30 PM-10:30 PM
Between the feelings of missing an old home and finding a new one, the performance Unfamiliar takes the audience on a journey between the cities of Alexandria, Damascus and Berlin. The performers mix music and dance of different traditions and styles, combine words and stories of different languages, and express their own life experiences on stage. The project Heschek Beschek gathers women from different cultural background to make music, dance, tell stories and create theatre together in Berlin. Professional and non-professional performers meet and work together on projects that overcome cultural isolation and celebrate diversity.
Unfamiliar is supported by Expedition Metropolis.



Heschek Bescheck © Lara Ziyad
Abeer Ali © Nabil Farag
  • Format
  • Place
    Pfefferberg: Haus 13
  • Admission
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