Together we build a sustainable life

Die Serie, die in Kooperation mit der NGO Banlastic Egypt produziert wird, gibt auf Arabisch (mit EN Untertiteln) Tipps und Tricks, wie man auch mit kleinem Budget nachhaltig und umweltfreundlich leben kann.

Together we build a sustainable life © Sandra Wolf
  1. Together we build a sustainable life - Trailer



  2. Together we build a sustainable life - An Introduction

    An introduction to a sustainable life

    In the first episode of "Together we build a sustainable life: An introduction to a sustainable life", Sarah and Mohamed from our partner organization Banlastic Egypt, give you tips on how to start living more sustainable.

  3. Together we build a sustainable life - Reducing plastic at home

    Reducing plastic at home - Part One

    In "Reducing plastic at home - Part One" Sarah introduces you to sustainable alternatives to replace plastic products we usually use at home.

  4. Together we build a sustainable life - Reducing plastic at home

    Reducing plastic at home - Part Two

    In "Reducing plastic at home - Part Two" Sarah introduces you to even more sustainable alternatives to replace plastic products we usually use at home.

  5. Together we build a sustainable life - Eating out plastic free

    Eating out plastic free

    In the fourth episode "Eating out plastic free", Abdel Rahman introduces you to sustainable alternatives that allow you to enjoy food and drinks outside and still being environmentally friendly.

  6. Together we build a sustainable life - Shopping without Plastic

    Shopping without Plastic

    In the fifth episode George shows you how to shop plastic free and sustainable.