

3rd Edition
The Goethe-Institut Singapore presents the third edition of the Science Film Festival in 2024. The festival takes place from October 1 to December 20 in cooperation with the Science Centre Singapore and Anderson Primary School.

The selection jury chose 38 films from 13 countries, targeting children from primary schools upwards for the program in Singapore.

The Science Film Festival Singapore is made possible through the support of our regional partner for Southeast Asia, Rolls Royce and in association with the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education.

Film Selection 2024

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Over 30 pre-jury members with expertise in science education and science communication in the participating countries and in-depth knowledge of the local target audience are closely involved in the selection process. All films are translated and synchronized or subtitled into local languages where necessary to offer access without language barriers.

Show all Pre-Jury Members of Singapore


Valerie-Ann Tan
Valerie-Ann Tan

Our Partners and Sponsors in Singapore