Danse Découverte: Dance

Cie Fleur Lotus © Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Wed, 17.01.2018

7:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Cie Fleur de Lotus: Impermanence

The Fleur de Lotus troupe was created in March 2014 by young Cameroonian choreographers in order to get around the problem of lack of training faced by African youths in general and Cameroonian youths in particular with regard to dance, choreography, and percussions. Following performances at various hip hop and contemporary dance festivals, Fleur de Lotus presents “Impermanence”, a play about inevitable changes in life, and humans as inconsistent and varying beings. It acts as a reminder that being unaware of this impermanence leads to unpleasant surprises.
