Beats of the Antonov

Filmcover Beats of the Antonov
© African Screen Network


Goethe-Institut Ghana

Director: hajooj kuba
68 min, Sudan/South Africa 2014

Sudan is doing everything it can to rid itself of the rebel forces in the Blue Nile area and the Nuba mountains. This includes obliterating their base. Their base is the villagers who have been forced to gather in mountain hideouts or refugee camps. The bombings continue but so does the resistance, led by the rebel forces. Director, hajooj kuka, was on the ground filming for over eighteen months, creating a film that traverses through the lives of displaced people who have lost everything. Yet, instead of broken people, we find a
vibrant community of people with purpose and energy in the face of conflict. They respond to the violence with singing, dance, music and laughter. Through this journey we become aware of a conflict that stems from a war on identity.
Our film series African Perspectives is organized in collaboration with


Goethe-Institut Ghana

30 Kakramadu Road
neben NAFTI | P.M.B. 52
Cantoments, Accra

Language: Arabic with English subtitles