CYCLE UP! connects artists, decision-makers and communities who care about our climate to find creative ideas and solutions to bring more bicycles to our streets. Read more

CTNZ Magazine Teaser © CYCLE UP!

CTZN Magazine

We have collected stories, ideas and answers in the CTZN magazine to answer the question - why don’t we cycle? The first volume of CTZN is simply about why we need more people on bikes.

Read more here!

Join the movement!

CYCLE UP! is calling for your ideas and your participation! Let's get more bikes on our streets! Watch our animation film to understand how you can take part.  


Who is this project for?

Bicycle helmets © CYCLE UP!


We want to increase the appeal of cycling as a regular means of transport. To engage with issues around cycling in our cities, we organise participatory programmes and artistic interventions which bring together cycling and communities. Join our movement to demand better sustainable urban mobility in our cities, all through the medium of arts and culture. Check our events and get involved!


Bicycle bell © CYCLE UP!


Join our mission to make artistic production more sustainable and seize the opportunity to use your art for change. CYCLE UP! artist-in-residence programme takes place in 2024 and 2025 in our five partner countries. Artists are working closely with local communities and decision makers to create thought-provoking art interventions and long-lasting connections with a clear ecological impact (read more about this in our sustainability framework).


Decision Makers © CYCLE UP!

Decision Makers

Join our Decision Makers network for access to new ideas and tools on how to shift perceptions and get more bicycles on the streets of your city through the power of culture! CYCLE UP offers decision makers at the municipal or local government level creative ways to engage people in these issues.  Members of the network will be the first to be informed about results of project activities and case studies implemented in partner countries through the CYCLE UP! newsletter. And in 2026, we will hold a final decision makers conference to present our learnings from the project. Get in touch with us by email if you have any questions.

adele.newman@goethe.de CycleUp! Decision-Makers (Form)
