Trade professions and innovation in Germany - great suggestions for teaching German.
12 interesting trades: boat builder, bookbinder, hairdresser, glassblower, wooden toymaker, ceramist, confectioner, fashion designer, watchmaker, carpenter, custom shoemaker and violin maker. Each document includes images, text, worksheets, and teachers' guides.
Learning objectives:
- learn, practice and expand vocabulary for each trade occupation,
- understand and summarize a text,
- find information in a text,
- conduct an interview,
- express preferences,
- describe advantages and disadvantages,
- practice subjunctive II formation,
- create a personal profile,
- get to know German proverbs,
- describe a process,
- take a class walk
In addition, there is a document with more suggestions of how to work with the different profiles. The online community
Deutsch für dich also has exercises on the topic.