Recommendations by a quantum HR expert
Quantum computing – Where to start? [EN]

Quantum HR Expert Connor Teague selects three insightful articles and videos that will help you if you are thinking about starting a career in quantum computing.

Since moving to the quantum computing industry, I’ve been through some of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences in my career to date. The transition from recruiting in the data science space to quantum computing was not an easy decision to make but certainly the right one. To begin with, the industry has been incredibly welcoming and refreshing! People were so open in speaking with me and sharing their experiences. Any given day for the first 3 months I was meeting between 12-15 people (via zoom) so they could kindly navigate me through the quantum computing landscape and their expertise.

If you are thinking about starting in quantum computing yourself, I recommend you check out those three links:


The quantum computing elevator pitch

Want to know the basics? This is a very interesting perspective from a VC in quantum computing. A summary of the key aspects of QC in an “elevator pitch” without any math or physics, intended to help pique your interest in digging in and learning more. There are more and more specialized Venture capitalists popping up all around the world. Carving a way to support quantum businesses. The amount of investment has been eye-watering!

15 Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Computing

This gives you great insight to how quantum computing technologies can have an impact on real world applications. It’s also a reminder that quantum computers are not built to replace classical computers but to solve different problems!

How I Became A Quantum Computing Researcher

Anastasia Marchenkova a researcher at the quantum telecommunications and quantum optics lab at Georgia Tech, the University of Maryland Joint Quantum Institute, and currently working on superconducting qubits. Anastasia creates fantastic content all around this industry, I highly recommend following her on youtube!


The Evolution of Ent-: QX, 2022, Libby Heaney, installation shots from arebyte Gallery.
Ent- 2022, commissioned by Light Art Space. The Evolution of Ent-: QX commissioned by arebyte Gallery. Photo credit: Max Colson.
Mechanisch sind Quantencomputer hoch komplex, ihre Funktionsweise für Nutzer*innen ähnelt aber herkömmlichen Computern.
© picture alliance/dpa/Sven Hoppe
INTERVIEW MIT TOMMASO CALARCO „Die Nachvollziehbarkeit ist ähnlich wie bei herkömmlichen Computern“