Photo by Karen Zhao on Unsplash


Burkina Faso

10th Edition
From 14 October to 02 November 2024, the Goethe-Institut Burkina Faso and its partner, the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, are celebrating the 10th Science film Festival. Every year, we have celebrated scientific communication, but this year 2024 will have a special celebration, with other innovations. As well as film screenings, debates, educational activities and film productions, we will be organising a practical workshop on making compost from household waste for members of a youth club in Bobo-Dioulasso.

Through major events (concerts, dance, etc.), we will mark this 10th anniversary in primary, secondary and higher education establishments, not forgetting public places where scientific films are shown.

Film Selection 2024

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Carolin Christgau
François d’Assise Ouédraogo
Science Film Festival - Burkina Faso Contact - François d’Assise Ouédraogo

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