Event within the framework of the "Festival der Kooperationen"
Market for useful knowledge and non-knowledge. Licence no. 9

Event: Markt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen
Event: Markt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen | © Goethe-Institut Brussels

"If we share. Dialogue on scientific and social cooperation"

Literaturhaus Berlin

On 23 September, the Goethe-Institut Brussels – in collaboration with the Literaturhaus Berlin and the Mobile Akademie Berlin – is organising the Markt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen. Lizenz Nr. 9  Wenn wir teilen. Dialoge über wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Kooperationen. (Market for useful knowledge and non-knowledge. Licence no. 9 - If we share. Dialogue on scientific and social cooperation).

With experts from science, literature and other arts, as well as representatives of civil society, we wish to reflect on the impact of the pandemic and the future potential for social cooperation. This is why we are opening up the opportunity for dialogue between experts and the audience at our event.

Scientists, artists and activists from Germany, Belgium and the Global South, including Stefan Rahmstorf and Kira Vinke from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Philipp Osten, Teresa Bücker, Nuran David Calis, Promona Sengupta, Oliva Mitscherlich-Schönherr, Gregor Hagedorn, Elisabeth Massute, Eric Otieno Sumba, Konrad Adam, Adriana Urrea, Felipe Dias Rego and Jean Macq, will share their knowledge about the acute crises in the modern world. The pandemic clearly shows that crises overlap and we must cooperate in our response to them. The audience has the opportunity to ask experts questions directly and to discuss the problems and challenges of tackling the pandemic as well as growing social inequality, risks to democracy and Anthropocene distortions, such as climate change and mass extinction.  

The event starting at 7 p.m. at the Literaturhaus Berlin is being held as part of the Festival der Kooperationen of the Literaturhaus Berlin and Alexander Kluge and the Goethe-Institut’s Lockdown Lessons project. The format Markt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen has been developed by the Mobile Akademie Berlin and implemented internationally. It involves interdisciplinary research about learning and forgetting, exploring narrative formats for conveying knowledge.

The audience on site can choose from a range of 30 talks! Experts can be booked for a half-hour talk . Or there is the possibility to follow the dialogues with headphones on 5 channels on Markt-Radio in the Literaturhaus. 

But you can also follow selected talks online via live stream or zoom talk.

Market for useful knowledge and non-knowledge. Licence no. 9 

Thursday, 23 September 2021
Check-in open from 6 p.m.
Beginn 7 p.m.
End: about 10:15 p.m.-10:30 p.m.
Continuously open, free admission
Literaturhaus Berlin, Fasanenstr. 23, 10719 Berlin

The event will be streamed live from the Literaturhaus Berlin and will be available on this page.

Stream 1

Experts and themes:
  • Gregor Hagedorn: 
    We have never been equal. Individual counselling shortly before the election: How politicians have reflected, falsified or forgotten feminist positions in pandemic times
  • Kira Vinke: 
    Climate and war: How do climate impacts influence the emergence of violent conflicts such as in the Sahel and Syria? On the socio-political impacts of climate change and mechanisms of crisis prevention."
  • Philipp Osten: 
    Political wisdom in crisis. Evidence-based corona politics has generated its own rationality deficits. The citizens' council model can remedy this
  • Stefan Rahmstorf: 
    1. how exactly is the gulf stream doing and what does its weakening mean for the earth?
    2 What can we still save from the climate system from a scientific point of view?

Stream 2

Experts and themes:
  • Eric Otieno Sumba: 
    The patent policy of the future: On the equal global distribution of medicines. Why the global patent system costs lives and how to protect health as a common good
  • Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr:
    Political wisdom in crisis. Evidence-based corona politics has generated its own rationality deficits. The citizens' council model can remedy this
  • Teresa Bücker: 
    We have never been equal. Individual counselling shortly before the election: How politicians have reflected, falsified or forgotten feminist positions in pandemic times
  • Promona Sengupta: 
    Timetravel for All: How To Leave No One Behind. Decolonizing the timespace continuum through speculative practices

Further Experts and themes:

  • Konrad Braun: Public Civic Partnership: New forms of community ownership in the field of tension between the public good economy, urban development and the state
  • Felipe Dias Rego (Salvador, Brasilien): How to use the pandemic to get smart cultural laws passed faster and stay that way for the future?
  • Jean Macq (Leuven, Belgien): Hope in the health crisis? How the pandemic could accelerate reforms in the health sector
  • Elisabeth Massute: 
    1. COVAX - failed call for solidarity or a future model for equitable vaccine distribution?
    2. suspension of intellectual property rights now!
  • Patrick Mudekereza (Lubumbashi, Demokratische Republik Kongo): The Waza Art Center in Lubumbashi, Kongo and its national and international networks, co-operations and partnerships
  • Adriana Urrea (Bogotá, Kolumbien): Between Hope and despair: an approach to the challenges the Commission of Truth of Colombia had to endure

Organized by: Literaturhaus Berlin, Mobile Akademie Berlin, Goethe-Institut Brüssel 


Literaturhaus Berlin

Literaturhaus Berlin
Fasanenstraße 23
10719 Berlin

Language: German/English
Price: Continuously open, free admission

Part of series Festival der Kooperationen mit Alexander Kluge & friends

Check-in open from 6 p.m.
“Livestream from 7 p.m.”