New series in our #artbits-blog! Flower Power

The strength of flowers is their beauty, resilience and transformative nature. Flowers lift spirits, convey emotions and bring joy to those who encounter them. The power of the flower lies in its ability to touch people, inspire them and remind them of the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Space Invader "Fire Flower" © Space Invader, Photo: Lunapark

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Sitzende Menschengruppe mit mobilen Endgeräten Foto: Getty Images

The Goethe-Institut brings the German language to the world. We offer German courses and German exams in over 90 countries.

  • The right solution for every need
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  • Internationally recognised language certificates


Experience culture

Subjects and Projects

German Traces in Canada

Discover Canada from a new perspective and join us on a multimedia search for traces of German immigration in Canada. 

Deutsche Spuren in Kanada © Goethe-Institut

300 Years Immanuel Kant

The philosopher was born in Königsberg 300 years ago. Kant’s work is considered to be the pinnacle of the philosophy of the Enlightenment. His maxim that we should use our own reason seems more relevant and pressing today than ever before. What lessons can be learned from Kant? Where did Kant fail in his own endeavours? What are the abysses and darker sides of the Enlightenment? This is what our Kant special is all about.

Immanuel Kant Illustration von Antje Herzog Illustration by Antje Herzog

"Robobreak" or how to welcome our machines

"Robots & Algorithms" Retrospective

Exhibition of the results of the project and robotic artist residency “Robots & Algorithms” with window projections, photos and videos.

In 2023, the Goethe-Institut, together with its local partners Milieux, Hexagram and Eastern Bloc, invited young scientists and artists to submit creative project proposals with the humanoid NAO robot. A Montreal-based art and research collective, consisting of Patil Tchilinguirian, Ceyda Yolgörmez and Zeph Thibodeau, was awarded the project.

Nao artistic © PCZ


Digital library

The Onleihe is Goethe-Institut’s digital library (eLibrary). More than 23,000 German language eBooks, audio books, movies, materials for German language learners, magazines and newspapers are available for downloading from the Onleihe. 

Ehe woman listens to digital media from the Onleihe and walks past waiting people at the bus stop in the rain. Illustration: Maria Tran Larsen © Goethe-Institut

Suggestions from our editors

AI representations in art
A Synthetic Voice, Between Authority and Truth

Virtual assistants, figures of governance, deities. The personification of artificial intelligence (AI) can take on any guise, including that of authority. And, as if by elective affinity, the idea of authority naturally engages in conversation with the notion of truth — with all that it entails in terms of deepfakes, fake news, and other related challenges.

Pinar Yoldas : « Kitty AI : Artificial Intelligence for Governance  (2016) » © Pinar Yoldas © Pinar Yoldas

Fun Facts
How Well Do You Know Kant?

These nine fun facts offer you a fresh new glimpse into the life of the great philosopher Immanuel Kant – whether as a colour consultant in all things fashion, as a master of billiards or a culinary connoisseur. With these insights from exhibition curator Agnieszka Lulińska, you’re sure to win any pub quiz.

Immanuel Kant – He’s a pool wizard! Illustration by Antje Herzog Illustration by Antje Herzog

Interview with Dennis Vetter and Mathieu Li-Goyette
The Joys Of Debating

Dennis Vetter, co-founder of Woche der Kritik in Berlin and Montreal-based film critic, film curator and editor-in-chief of online film-magazine "Panorama-cinéma" Mathieu Li-Goyette in conversation about how debates can be an essential part of film programming.

Dennis Vetter is film critic, moderator and program curator, as well as co-founder of “Woche der Kritik” in Berlin, the Berlin Critics’ Week. Since 2020 he is the artistic director and part of the curatorial team. Mathieu Li-Goyette is a Montreal-based film critic, film curator and editor-in-chief of online film-magazine Panorama-cinéma.  © Tatiana Braun/Goethe-Institut Montreal © Tatiana Braun/Goethe-Institut Montreal

Come visit us!

3 instituts in Canada

We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. More than 150 institutes worldwide provide culture, language and information about Germany. In addition, there are cooperations with other cultural societies, libraries and language learning centers.

Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
H2X 2T1 Montreal, QC

Tel. 514 499 0159

Goethe-Institut Montreal © Jean-Guy Lambert

Goethe-Institut Ottawa

Saint Paul University
223 Main Street
Büro GIG120
K1S 1C4 Ottawa

Tel. +1 613 2329000

Goethe-institut Ottawa © Katja Melzer

Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
M5J 1V6 Toronto

Goethe-Institut Toronto © Goethe-Institut Toronto/ Calvin Thomas

Goethe-Institut Montreal © Jean-Guy Lambert

Goethe-institut Ottawa © Katja Melzer

Goethe-Institut Toronto © Goethe-Institut Toronto/ Calvin Thomas