

KunstRaumGoethe is an event-series of the Goethe-Institut Cyprus launched in 2020 consisting of exhibitions with contemporary artists and curators, who are connected to Germany and Cyprus in different ways and/or deal with this in their work.

Exhibition 2022

Found and Lost

In its third edition KunstRaumGoethe presented the exhibition titled “Found and Lost”. The participating artists were Phung-Tien Phan from Germany and Marina Xenofontos from Cyprus.

For this exhibition the Goethe-Institut Cyprus invited the curator Lorenzo Graf from Germany, who prepared this exhibition proposal and concept following a research trip to Cyprus in November 2021. The “Found and Lost” exhibition consisted of existing and newly produced sculptures, installations and video works.

A graphic representation of the title "Found and lost" in gray and white colours which is placed on the left side of the picture. The upper half of the image has a white background and the lower one has a gray background. Above the word "found" we see with smaller orange and gray capital letters the word KunstRaumGoethe. © Goethe-Institut Zypern © Goethe-Institut Zypern


Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith & Marion Jungeblut – Exhibition

Interlaced – Verflochten zwischen Schichten

Like countless scales invisible on the skin of the human body, the works of Marion Jungeblut and Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith in the exhibition Interlaced – Verflochten zwischen Schichten are brought into a context that juxtaposes the familiar, the abstract and the foreign.

The picture shows layers of red colour in front of a black background, that flow into one another in harmony. Photo (detail): © Dagmar Glausnitzer Photo (detail): © Dagmar Glausnitzer

Stelios Kallinikou – Exhibition

acrobat above the dome

Stelios Kallinikou presents sequences of images that flow into nested dialogues as he explores the connection between the narrative boundaries of photography and consciousness.

A black male bronze statue stands on one hand in front of a yellow background. © Stelios Kallinikou © Stelios Kallinikou

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