Documentary Screening
Acasa, My Home

Scene from the documentary "Acasa, My Home"
Scene from the documentary "Acasa, My Home" | Photo: Radu Ciorniciuc

At the 15th Lemesos International Documentary Festival

Lanitis Carob Mill

The Goethe-Institut Cyprus invites you to the screening of Acasa, My Home, an award winning Romanian- German - Finnish co-production, directed by Radu Ciorniciuc. The 15th Lemesos International Documentary Festival will take place from the 16 to 23 September 2020, at Lanitis Carob Mill, in the heart of the old town of Limassol, next to the Medieval Castle. Documentaries that define and influence the lives of the contemporary citizen of the world, offer a wide spectrum of subjects in this year's programme of screenings.

Radu Ciorniciuc’s heartbreaking debut is a thoughtful study of gentrification, seen through the eyes of a family trying to adapt to the new life they never asked for. For two decades, the Enache family—nine kids and their parents—lived in a shack in the wilderness of Bucharest Delta: an abandoned water reservoir, one of the biggest urban natural reservations in the world, with lakes and hundreds of species of animals and rare plants. When the authorities decide to claim back this rare urban ecosystem, the Enache family is evicted and told to resettle in the city—a reality they know nothing about. Kids that used to spend their days in nature have to learn about city life, go to school instead of swimming in the lake, and swap their fishing rods for mobile phones. Their identity has been questioned and transformed, along with their sense of freedom and family ties.

Autlook Filmsales
Autlook Filmsales

Directed by: Radu Ciorniciuc
Written by: Lina Vdovii, Radu Ciorniciuc
Duration: 86 minutes


Lanitis Carob Mill

by the Medieval Castle

Language: Romanian, with English and Greek subtitles
Price: 5 Euro

+357 22 674606