Self-Check System

Self-Check System in the Library

How to use the Self-Check System?

A Self-Check device is now available in our library. Library users with a valid library card can borrow or return library items in an easy and convenient way, even when our library counter is not in service.
The Self-Check System enables users to borrow items from the library in a more flexible way. However, users should pay attention to the following conditions when using the Self-Check device:

- No reference item (pink label) could be borrowed

- There is no outstanding fine in the user’s account

- There is no overdue item in the user’s account 

- The following services are available only during the counter service hours:

- Issue of a library card

- Renewal of a library card

- Payment of due fine

- Return of overdue items

- Individual consultation 

Step by step

Borrowing items with the Self-Check device is easy:
- You can choose German, English or Chinese as the operating language

- Put your library card under the red light, so that the barcode printed on the back of your card can be read by the device

- Once the device successfully detects your library account, a green light will be on

- Place your selected items onto the grey area of the device, and wait till all the items are recorded by the device

- After that you might choose to print out a receipt 

- To return items simply place the borrowed items on the grey area of the device, and press the icon “Return” on the touchscreen.

- Once finished please drop the items into the Return cart below.