Chapter 2: It`s not your fault

  • It is never your fault
If you have ever been a victim of #OnlineViolence, it is NEVER YOUR FAULT, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
Remember… you are not alone. Online violence happens to many children and youth around the world. 
  • Tips if you face Online Violence
What can you do if you are a victim of online violence? We’ve prepared you with some TIPS!
You are not alone. #OnlineViolence happens to many children and youth around the world.
  • Victim Blaming
If you experience victim blaming, here’s what you can do.
  • How do you behave online?
Always treat others the way you would like to be treated.
“Anonymity is the main reason people think it’s ok to do it”
#OnlineViolence happens to many children and youth around the world. Remember you are not alone!
  • Positive messages
We should always promote positive messages online. “We can try to be kind to everyone we interact with”.
If you are a victim of #Online Violence – you are not alone. Online Violence happens to many children and youth around the world.
  • Forever Online 
Anything we share online (even with friends) stays online FOREVER. So please think before we share anything online.
Remember… you are not alone. Online Violence happens to many children and youth around the world.
  • How long to be Online
Time is precious, and we must take breaks from social media or else, we might lose out on valuable time we can never get back.
How much time do you spend online?

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