Tall, short? Dreamy, wild? Black-haired, blonde? Slow, fast? We're all different, and that's a good thing. Because who wants to be normal? And what is actually normal?
You have already thought about these or similar questions on your own. Now it's time for the workshops and the exchange with students from the region. You will find all information about the workshop contents and much more here.
With the educational project ICH SO DU SO, we embark on a journey of discovery: In search of what makes us special, we discover that we actually have more in common than what makes us different.
The educational project takes place in the region of Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. It aims to raise awareness and celebrate diversity in all its varieties among students in the region and beyond.
Students will have the opportunity to choose from a range of workshops and express their ideas of normality and difference through creating their own animated films, texts, photographs, comics, movies and shadow puppets.
The project is based on an existing non-fictional book by the artists' community Labor Ateliergemeinschaft. The book "Ich so du so - Alles super normal" features comics, many contributions from children, pictures and funny texts, all of which encourage us to look at ourselves in a new and different way.
"And they give you courage to be who you are and to let others be who they are - just normal and very special."
Labor Ateliergemeinschaft
But what is normal? The nonfiction book “Ich so du so” comes with a Normal-O-Meter that helps measure our normalcy most precisely. Am I extremely normal? Extremely abnormal? Or rather moderately abnormal?
The curtain rises! Theatre workshop with Judith Gorgass
Together we wake up body, head and creativity. We slip into different roles and find costumes, props and character traits. We build these characters into stories and develop our own play from them, which we present to the other groups at the end.
Tell your story through film! Film workshop with Glocal Films
Did you know there's a little film studio in your phone? In this workshop, we'll use our smartphones in a cinematic and optimized way, write scripts and film narratives, learn to create a shooting schedule, and edit everything created on a mobile app. We work in teams of 2 and produce a film together to express our uniqueness and togetherness.
Dot, dot, comma, dash - smiley face in a flash! Comic workshop with Tanja Esch
In this workshop, dots and dashes come to life. We will put our stories about being normal/being different on paper in comic form. This is how embarrassing elementary school stories become superhero tales!
We let the puppets dance! Shadow theater workshop with Maria Lee
Building stages, painting puppets, and forging voices - you'll learn all this and more in the shadow theatre workshop! Let your imagination run wild and express your ideas of being normal/being different in the form of a shadow play. Nothing is too difficult, too strange or too abnormal.
Explore the topic with your pen! Writing workshop with Anja Kiel
You like to write and would like to approach the topic of being normal/being different in this way? Then the writing workshop is the right place for you.
In a small group, we will consider together what makes the topic exciting for us. Writing games and relaxed exercises will awaken our imagination and help us to write stories, poems, chats. About what? About ourselves, our dreams, our peculiarities.
Film on! Animation workshop with Julia Kapelle
Do you like to draw or do you love cartoons and comics? Then this is the right place for you! We will meet in a virtual animation studio and develop our own film ideas together. You, the filmmakers, will draw pictures as shadow silhouettes, plan the sequence of the animated film in a storyboard and then animate it online using the stop-motion method. Finally, we will add sounds and our voices to the films together.
ICH SO DU SO at a glance
21 April 2022
23 April 2022
Creative Workshop Online I
30 April 2022
Creative Workshop Online II
07 May 2022
Cretive Workshop Online III
14 May 2022
Creative Workshop Online IV
21 May 2022
...and more so
Would you like to read more about the topic diversity?
Enjoy our book recommendations:
Alle haben einen Po by Anna Fiske, 978-3446264304
Alles Familie! Vom Kind der neuen Freundin vom Bruder von Papas früherer Frau und anderen Verwandten by Alexandra Maxeiner, 978-3941411296
Alle behindert! 25 spannende und bekannte Beeinträchtigungen in Wort und Bild by Horst Klein, 978-3-95470-217-6
Nasengruß und Wangenkuss – So macht man Dinge anderswo by Anne Kostrzewa 978-3737354837
Wie siehst du denn aus? Warum es normal nicht gibt by Sonja Eismann 978-3407755643
Menschen: Der Kinderbuch-Klassiker zum Thema Toleranz und Vielfalt by Peter Spier, 978-3522437318
100 Kinder by Christoph Drösser, 978-3522305372
supercool. Eine Grundschulgeschichte by Tanja Esch, 978-3943417821
AnyBody: Dick & dünn & Haut & Haar: das große ABC von unserem Körper-Zuhause von Katharina von der Gathen, 978-3954702466
The Labor Ateliergemeinschaft is a studio collective of six graphic designers, illustrators and authors in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Natascha Vlahovic, Jörg Mühle, Philip Waechter, Anke Kuhl, Zuni and Kirsten von Zubinski.
They have been working in this set-up for a number of years – either individually or as a group – on a broad range of projects: children’s books, illustrations for newspapers and magazines, book covers and design, book readings, workshops, exhibitions and self-initiated works.