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Claim Goethe Institut Claim Goethe Institut

الاراضي الفلسطينية

Chancen© Getty Images


على صفحة فرص، نريد لفت الانتباه إلى مجموعة مختارة من برامج الإقامة، فرص التمويل، عروض التوجيه ودعوات الإنتاج المشترك، وغيرها من الفرص من شبكتنا التي قد تهم الفنانين في فلسطين.
يرجى ملاحظة أنه يجب تقديم الطلبات عن طريق المؤسسة المعنية وليس عن طريق معهد غوته في فلسطين، ما لم يذكر خلاف ذلك.

إليكم مجموعة الفرص التي يتم تحديثها بانتظام من أجلكم.

International Coproduction Fund

"مع دعم صندوق الإنتاج المشترك الدولي، نقوم بدعم الإنتاجات المشتركة عبر العالم التي تنشأ من عمليات عمل تعاونية وحوارية بين الفنانين العاملين بمهنية في مجالات الموسيقى والرقص والمسرح والعروض الفنية."

Neighbouring - Audio Journey © Goethe-Institut Ramallah

Open Call
Mujawarat - Podcast Production Journey

Neighbouring is an integral part of Atheer Cultural Radio's mission to elevate and support the voices of journalists, storytellers, and cultural workers. Our program offers mentorship, coaching, and residency projects designed to invest in both the production and the producers.

Shadowing Programme for Young Theatre Professionals © Goethe-Institut

Shadowing Programme for Young Theatre Professionals

In association with the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the Goethe-Institut runs a shadowing programme for theatre people from abroad who have substantial prior experience in theatre abroad. After participating in the programme in Germany, you are expected to serve as a “multiplier”, i.e. to share the benefits of your experience in Germany with your theatre scene at home. We make it possible for selected theatre people from other parts of the world to get to know first-hand how at least one production is planned, rehearsed and performed at a theatre in Germany. They can also attend performances at other theatres.
Deadline for submitting:
Always Open

Promotion of music residencies in Germany - Gasteig München GmbH © Pexels Papa Yaw

Promotion of Music Residencies in Germany

This grant is to enable performing artists working in the field of music from developing and transition countries to prepare new international programmes and productions with partners in Germany. The object of the programme is to promote international artistic collaboration and intensive cultural exchange on a partnership basis.

Artists' Houses in Germany © Goethe-Institut Libanon

Artists' Houses in Germany

Artists' houses support professional artists of all disciplines by providing them with studio space and accommodation for limited periods of time, often combined with the award of a stipend or grant. They are international meeting places and centres of cultural and creative exchange. On the following pages, the various artists' houses in Germany are listed with an outline of their programmes and selection procedures.


Temporary Relocation to Germany – Martin Roth Initiative

Artists and cultural actors at risk have the possibility to temporarily stay and work in Germany with the assistance of a host cultural institution. (Programme line 1)
MRI funding in programme line 1 enables cultural organisations in Germany to temporarily host artists and cultural actors, providing scholarships and a free and safe space for them to continue their creative work and to develop professionally.

Schloss Solitude Fellowship © Akademie Schloss Solitude

Schloss Solitude Fellowship

The Akademie Schloss Solitude is an international and transdisciplinary artists’ residence. It supports young artists, scholars, scientists, as well as cultural and economic professionals via residential fellowships only. Are you interested in applying for a residential fellowship? The candidates should not be older than 40 or have completed a university degree within the past five years. You will find all information on conditions, benefits and the selection procedure on this page. Scholarships are usually awarded for a period of six, nine or twelve months.
Deadline for submitting:
Always open

Wijhat Travel Grant © Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy


Arab artists and cultural actors face major challenges when it comes to traveling within the Arab region or abroad for professional purposes. Foremost among them are insufficient funding to cover travel expenses, difficulties in obtaining visas and lack of opportunities to network with organizations that could potentially become partners in the creative processes in this region. Wijhat (Destinations) was developed by Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy to address these concerns. The program provides grants of up to €7,000 to artists and cultural actors from the Arab region to support their travels within the Arab region or to any destination abroad.
Deadline for submission:
Call is open all year long

Goethe-Institut Travel Grant © Goethe-Institut


This funding is for music projects of ensembles from developing and transition countries as per the DAC list that cannot afford the cost of international travel owing to their economic situation. It is for professional ensembles and artists as well as for amateur and youth ensembles. As a rule, it takes the form of a travel grant.
Deadline for submission:
at least six weeks before the planned start of the project

Internship Program - Leaders for Future © Copernicus Berlin

Internship Program - Leaders for Future

The goal of the program is to attract international qualified specialists to the German labor market as well as to strengthen the professional and personal skills of the program participants. Partial and full scholarships are available.
Students and professionals, civil servants and employees, all are welcome to apply for the LEADERS for FUTURE program.
Deadline for submitting:
1- Summer internship program LEADERS for FUTURE: the application period is approximately 9 months.
2- Ongoing internship program LEADERS for FUTURE: the application period is approx. 3 months.