Kino | Ciné-Mardi

Fack ju Göhte
© 2013 Constantin Film GmbH / Christoph Assmann

Fack ju Göhte

Goethe-Institut Kigali

Director: Bora Dagtekin, Farbe, 113 min., 2013

After a 13-month stretch in prison, the crook Zeki Müller is looking for the loot from his last robbery. He applies for a position as a janitor at the school, since, as it happens, the money is buried under the new school gym. However, Zeki lands a job as a supply teacher. He has to deal with a naive trainee teacher and problem kids who can’t even spell “Fuck you, Goethe” correctly. Thus, the young man unintentionally embarks on a career in education. Bora Dagtekin’s wild farce was the most successful German film of 2013.


Goethe-Institut Kigali

13, Avenue Paul VI/KN 27 Street Kiyovu
P.B. 6889 Kigali

Sprache: Deutsch mit englischen Untertiteln
Preis: Kostenlos