Course Level A1


The length of time needed to reach your goal depends on your previous knowledge of the language and your own learning behaviour. Fastest and greatest progress is made in our super intensive courses. It is of great importance to participate actively in class, complete homework tasks and, most of all, to put your knowledge of German into practice as much as possible. This will strengthen your confidence in the use of the language.
Warning: You may be approached by strangers on or near the premises of the Goethe-Institut Thailand promising you success in the Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 exam in record time. Use your good judgement and be sceptical. There are no shortcuts to exam success.


If you have already learned another foreign language and have plenty of time for learning during the week, then our 2-stage super intensive course is the right one for you.

If you already know another foreign language but don't have that much time throughout the week, then our 2-stage or 4-stage weekend or evening courses are just right for you.

If you do not have a good command of the Latin alphabet but have plenty of time, then our 3-stage super intensive course is the best way to learn German.

If you are not proficient in the Latin alphabet, our 4-week alphabetization course is the right place for you to start before moving on to our 3-stage super intensive courses.

You can book all our courses conveniently online.


For all options described above, it is important that you successfully pass the individual courses in order to achieve an optimal result in the Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 exam.

Tip: Taking the exam before you are ready often leads to a negative result and can prolong the overall learning time, which is exactly the opposite of your and our interest. Complete all A1 sub-stages according to your chosen path and take part in our Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 exam preparation course for Goethe-Institut Thailand course participants before taking the exam.


If you want to live in Germany later, you may have to attend an integration course there, which consists of a language course and an orientation course. You can find out more about the content and procedure of integration courses here integration course . 

Tip: The more confident your German is, the shorter the time you have to learn in Germany. Use the time while you are waiting for your visa after the Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 exam to continue learning German in Thailand.


In addition to our language courses and exams, we also offer unbeatable support to help you prepare for a new chapter in your life. Immerse yourself with us in a world of free events and training programs specifically designed to prepare you for your future life in Germany.

Take a look here
