The Wretched

The Wretched ©   The Wretched
The Wretched is a conceptual/theoretical project which is not an interpretation of a written text (The Wretched of the Earth) by Frantz Fanon (psychiatrist, revolutionary, intellectual) but a sitting along with. The outfit consists of the following: vocalist and sound-scaper Gabi Motuba, Tumi Mogorosi on drums and sound artist Andre Van Wyk and filmmaker, Zen Marie. This project explores the sound through the lens of a shriek, a scream, a moment at the end of the limit of struggle accompanied by visuals of an ungraspable and vast lands. Theoretically this aligns itself with a history of sonic writing and visual representation that has been the means to sit with trauma or as refrains of such.

Instagram: @lovejazzmuse
