12. - 13.09.2023, Prague

Sustainability as the Way of Existence | Střed zájmu: Udržitelnost jako způsob existence

Střed zájmu: Udržitelnost jako způsob existence © Vojtěch Brtnický This was an international conference on sustainability in the cultural sector, organised by the Creative Europe Desk, Czechia. During the ‘Presentation of Inspiring Projects’, we were given the opportunity to share CYCLE UP! with an audience of  experts on sustainability and culture, alongside cultural managers from institute in the Czechia. 
Střed zájmu: Udržitelnost jako způsob existence© CycleUp!
Sustainability as the Way of Existence Bild2© Cycle Up!
Sustainability as the Way of Existence Bild3© Cycle Up!
By lead partner: Goethe-Institut Prag