Halsey Burgund

Halsey Burgund © Laura Burgund Halsey Burgund is a sound artist and technologist whose work focuses on the combination of modern technologies - from mobile phones to artificial intelligence - with fundamentally human “technologies”, primarily language, music and the spoken voice. Halsey was a Smithsonian Artist Research Fellow, a Research Affiliate at the MIT Media Lab and is currently a fellow at the MIT Open Documentary Lab.

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My favourite AI in culture project at the moment is…Stephanie Lepp’s Deep Reckonings project, in particular the Brett Kavanaugh deepfake which is immensely powerful.

By 2030 I would like to have an AI app which…an turn a natural language description of desired functionality into working code and also debug both itself and my own human intelligence-written code. 

My worst AI nightmare is…if it continues to be used more and more effectively and ubiquitously to manipulate human behaviour behind the scenes on social networks and throughout the internet.

The future of AI needs…a Goldilocks balance between being bold enough to experiment and take advantage of the incredible benefits to society, and being cautious and thoughtful when considering all of the potential negative ramifications and externalities.

Halsey Burgund's contribution: Stranding astronauts on the moon