Oliver Bown

Oliver Bown © Oliver Bown Dr. Oliver Bown is an academic, creative artist and programmer interested in the design of technologies that support and transform creative practice. He is Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of the Interactive Media Lab at UNSW Sydney.

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My favourite AI in culture project at the moment is… OpenAI’s Jukebox

By 2030 I would like to have an AI app which…  provided an intuitive interface which enabled someone to navigate a vast space of styles and patterns, supporting creative exploration.

My worst AI nightmare is… already happening: systems that mostly work well, but occasionally make terrible mistakes, but the mistakes are not fixed because that requires humans. Systems such as Google’s knowledge panel fit this category.

The future of AI needs… very strong protections against winner-takes-all phenomena. This may mean the end of capitalism.

Oliver Bown's contribution: Listening out for the detail in AI-driven music