Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Film Selection 2024

The Science Film Festival presents a wide assortment of films in the following five categories to serve all age groups, but with a focus on content for young audiences:

  • Family Edutainment
  • Ecology & Environment
  • Natural Science, Life Science & Technology
  • Non-Verbal & Science Shorts
  • Culture & History

The Science Film Festival received over 1,500 films from 100 countries this year. 132 films from 36 countries are in the official selection and will be shown at the Science Film Festival 2024. Please note the selection varies from country to country, so check further details for your country of interest.
We thank all participating filmmakers, producers, broadcasters and distributors! The award winners will be announced online in January 2025.


Theme of the Year 2024: Net Zero and the Circular Economy

Participating Films

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