Photo by Karen Zhao on Unsplash


5th Edition
The Science Film Festival Brazil celebrated its fifth edition in 2023 from October 10 to December 20. Organized by the NGO Midiativa (Centro Brasileiro de Mídia para Crianças e Adolescentes), the festival received the support of Spcine - Empresa de Cinema e Audiovisual de São Paulo, the United Nations Environment Programme in Brasil, ESPM - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing and many Brazilian partners, such as schools, cultural centers and NGOs.

The Science Film Festival selected 46 films and programs from 21 countries and held in-person activities in eight cities in Brazil, as well as online debates. The screenings reached 2,600 children who attended in local theaters and schools with another 350 participating in science workshops held in public schools.

Focusing on the theme of the year, the UN Decade on Ecological Restoration, the festival also held three debates on Sustainable Economies, Children Youth Activism and The Importance of Native Peoples and Traditional Communities in Preservation and Restoration. The Science Film Festival Brazil reached a total of 3,700 viewers in 2023.

The organizing partners in Brazil continue pursuing the objective of expanding access to science and quality education in the country. Despite the lack of investment by the government in recent years, the Brazilian scientific and educational communities are strengthened through important events such as the Science Film Festival that are highly valued.

Film Selection 2023

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Show all Pre-Jury Members of Brazil

Over 30 pre-jury members with expertise in science education and science communication in the participating countries and in-depth knowledge of the local target audience are closely involved in the selection process. All films are translated and synchronized or subtitled into local languages where necessary to offer access without language barriers.


Beth Beth Carmona

Director ComKids

Beth Carmona
Thaisa Oliveira


Our Partners and Sponsors in Brazil

Science Film Festival - Sponsor - Brazil
Partner & Sponors Brazil
Science Film Festival - Institutional Support - Brazil
Science Film Festival - Partnership - Brazil
Science Film Festival - Partnership - Brazil
Science Film Festival - Brazil
Science Film Festival - Partnership - Brazil