Weekend language course
Visions for Europe: Opportunities and Challenges for a Common European Future

Goethe-Institut Brüssel

Under the topic "Visions for Europe: Opportunities and Challenges for a Common European Future" we invite you to a weekend language course from th 3rd to the 5th of February 2023 - for the first time in the new premises of the Goethe-Institut Brussels! Discuss the lessons learned from the "Conference on the Future of Europe" as well as strategies to cope with current political and economic crises and deepen your German language skills in intensive learning units. The course also offers the opportunity for engaging discussions with representatives of the Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU (Brussels) as well as the Federal Foreign Office (Berlin).


Goethe-Institut Brüssel

Rue Belliard 58
1040 Brüssel
