Cultural programming: cooperation criteria

In our cultural work at the Goethe-Institut in Belgium, we develop an interdisciplinary audience and education programme. We work in close partnership with our partners. We attach particular importance to the joint development of ideas and dialogue from the outset. For our projects, we cooperate with actors in cultural life (institutions, organisations, companies, individuals) in and from Belgium, Germany and other countries.

We support artistic and cultural voices through presentation, mediation, debate and diplomacy in order to negotiate the conflicts of our time in all their complexity and nuances of meaning. Our projects address key contemporary issues such as: Feminisms and intersectionality, decolonial, anti-racist strategies, combating fascism, new right tendencies and nationalism, global solidarity and climate movements, as well as urban space and urban politics. We see our work as a hospitable relationship. This is characterised both by our self-image as guests in the host country and our self-image as hosts of events. We therefore seek to better fulfil our responsibility to create open, diverse, inclusive, feminist and caring spaces in which cultural actors and audiences feel welcome and want to come together temporarily.

The majority of our programmes take place in one of the national languages (French, Dutch, German) or in English with our partners.

Our guiding criteria:

  • We make projects possible that could not take place without us - our network, our expertise, our organisational and financial involvement.
  • We are not a commercial organiser or sponsor (on the contrary, we are looking for sponsors!).
  • Relevance of content and outstanding artistic quality are crucial.
  • Together with our partners, we develop projects from the initial idea to the discussion of various formats and event forms, the selection of artists, ensembles and speakers, right through to the financing, process, organisation and public relations.
  • We plan well in advance. Our programmes for the following year are decided in the current year.
  • Our location in Belgium is Brussels. We develop projects with partners throughout Belgium and across borders. We have a long-term cooperation agreement with dasKULTURforum in Antwerp.
  • For us, the focus is not only on topics, information and content, but also on lively, sustainable contacts. We bring people together and promote the formation of international networks.
  • With the help of our EU office, we are initiators and partners for EU projects.

Target groups that we address:

  • Cultural experts and people interested in culture with and without knowledge of German
  • Cultural (political) decision-makers and networkers
  • Artists
  • Special programmes are also aimed at EU representatives and other European stakeholders in Brussels
Are you looking to work with us? Do you have a project or an idea that could bring us together? Then we look forward to receiving your suggestions and getting in touch.


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