Kickoff Evening Event Spanish-German Relations and Its Impact on EU Expansion and Disintegration

teaser - european public policy conference 2024 madrid (hz)

Fr, 12.04.2024

18:30 Uhr

Goethe-Institut Madrid

European Public Policy Conference 2024

EPPC 2024 mit dem Thema:
EU Integration and Disintegration
Das Programm findet komplett in englischer Sprache statt, deshalb bieten wir ausnahmsweise die gesamte Information  hier auch in Englisch an.
Danke im Voraus für Ihr Verständnis!

Since the 2016 Brexit referendum, the EU has existed in a “crisis of confidence.” Yet despite a state of perma-crisis and the war in Ukraine, the EU has considered further expansion of its political frontiers and increased political integration. EPPC 2024 will focus on this integration-disintegration balance, emphasizing the need for open discussions and informed solutions in the face of major challenges to the European community.

EPPC is a dynamic three-day event designed to explore and engage with various facets of EU integration. 
More about this year's conference 

After the main EPPC Conference at IE Tower, join the Hertie School at the Goethe-Institut in Madrid for the special panel,  The panel will be followed by cocktails. Join 

Special Kickoff Evening Event Invitation:
"Spanish-German Relations and Its Impact on EU Expansion and Disintegration"

On behalf of theHertie School, the University of Governance in Berlin, we are excited to invite our attendees to a special evening opening event after the main EPPC conference at the Goethe-Institut in Madrid. Join us for a panel discussion on Spanish-German relations, followed by cocktails.
