WEBINAR – Langkah Menuju Jerman

Webinar mit Miczard
©Goethe-Institut Bandung

“Living and Working in Germany“

Germany is searching for skilled workers- especially from the so-called STEM sectors, which include science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Supported by the AMIF (Asyl- Migrations- Integrationsfonds) the Goethe-Institut regularly hosts online-seminars (webinar) on the topic: “living and working in Germany”.
How do I apply for a job? Which documents do I need for a job application? How should I prepare for the first few days in Germany? What exactly would you describe as “typical German”?
All these questions will be answered in our webinar on the topic “living and working in Germany” and our guest speaker Miczard Riupassa, IT Database Administrator, Amadeus Data Processing GmbH, Germany.
Our guest speaker will talk about his experiences and answer questions about life and work in Germany.
The webinar will take place on
Thursday, November 30, 2017, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. IWST (Indonesia Western Standard Time).
A technical test will take place on
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 from 1:30 to 2.00 p.m. IWST (Indonesia Western Standard Time).
Would you like to participate in this Webinar?
You need:
-a laptop/computer with a stable internet connection
-a headset
Please register via e-mail at: Filia.Danila@goethe.de, and include the following information in your registration: full name, date of birth, occupation, phone number and WhatsApp number.
Please register until November 26, 2017 at the latest! (The number of participants will be limited to 30 people!)
We are looking forward to your participation!
Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Asyl-, Migrations- und Intergrationsfonds kofinanziert.
Language: Indonesian
Telephone: +62 22 4236440 – Ext. 37
E-mail: Filia.Danila@goethe.de


Language: Indonesien
Price: Free

+62 423 6440 Filia.Danila@goethe.de