
(C) Sign 37 Merrion Square © © Ste Murray (C) Sign 37 Merrion Square © Ste Murray

We are characterised by diversity, inquisitiveness and openness. The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. We convey a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of Germany and provide information on Germany’s cultural, social and political life.

Current job opportunities

Lehrkraft am Goethe-Institut in Dublin

Das Goethe-Institut Irland sucht Lehrkräfte für 10-wöchige DaF Präsenzkurse im Dubliner Goethe-Institut.

Call for Proposals: Creative Pop-Up Café at Goethe-Institut Dublin

We are excited to announce our call for proposals for an innovative Pop-Up Café at the Goethe-Institut in Dublin. This unique opportunity allows you to showcase your creativity while promoting sustainability and German culture through a culinary experience. 


Goethe-Institut Irland is looking for motivated candidates who are interested in becoming certified as an instructor of German as a foreign language (DaF – Deutsch als Fremdsprache). The Goethe-Institut is offering a continuing education program for this certification. The Grünes Diplom is the worldwide standardised qualification for German instructors at Goethe-Institut locations abroad. 


The Goethe-Institut Irland offers students at a later stage of the university studies the opportunity to do an internship. Find out more about the requirements, the various areas of work and vacancies on our website.

Transition Year Student Work Experience

The Goethe-Institut Irland is delighted to offer exciting and interactive weeklong immersive Transition Year work experiences. Over the course of five days, you will have the opportunity to learn about the Goethe-Institut’s role in Ireland, the cultural work, projects, and language courses promoting connections between Germany and Ireland.
