Film & Discussion Colombo Theatre Forum

Film & Discussion (c) M. Safeer

Tuesday, 24. April 2018, 05:00 p.m.

Goethe Hall

Colombo theatre forum is a space created for those who are seeking new dimensions in Sri Lankan theatre. Scholars, Directors, Script writers, Actors & Actresses, Critics, Lighting Directors, Back stage creators, Stage managers, students and spectators can join this forum in order to widen their horizons in
the field of theatre.
Colombo Theatre forum organized by Inter Act Art theatre and Goethe - Institut Sri Lanka was recommenced last July with the Participation of many young theatre lovers and foreign delegates. The forum will be held last Monday of this month at the Goethe Institut Hall from 5.00 pm onwards.

Selected film:

Cafè Müller
The piece takes place on a stage strewn with chairs. The chairs are placed randomly, but cover the length of the performance space. There is a door upstage right leading to a revolving door, and doors on either side of the stage.

There are six dancers, three men and three women. Two of the men wear suits, the third wears a loose white shirt tucked into trousers and dances barefoot. Two of the women, one portrayed by Bausch herself, wear long white dresses with bare feet, the other wears a dress, overcoat, and heels.

The dance moves about the stage, dancers shifting in and out of duet. At various moments, one or more dance with eyes closed, rushing across the stage strewn with chairs while the other dancers rush about them moving furniture out of the way.

The movement is often frantic and repetitive, halting with a feeling of exhaustion. There are themes of manipulation and dependence throughout the dance, which are realized through intense repetition as well as trust between dancers that they will keep each other safe on stage in varying states of awareness. The dancers rely on each other to clear their paths as they dance with their eyes shut, a strong example of the trust shared on-stage.
