Preparation for Courses and Exams

Monthly Q&A Sessions © Colourbox

Fri, 02.09.2022

6:00 PM


Q&A Sessions

Be prepared for your upcoming courses and exams at the Goethe-Institut Philippinen with our free monthly Q&A sessions!
Are you planning on taking a language course or an examination at the Goethe-Institut Philippinen? Or are you already enrolled for one? Our monthly sessions will help you prepare for your language learning journey as we'll answer all your queries related the courses and exams. The Q&A sessions will be conducted in English and Filipino.

Check out the schedule below:

Frequency:  Fridays, every 4 weeks, starting April 1, 2022
Via: Zoom
Time: 6:00 PM
Meeting ID: 894 6977 0586
Passcode: Goethe22!​

If you're interested, kindly sign-up below:
Sign-up here

See you at the next Q&A Session!
